PTOLUS (The "Big Book"), Pg 486 - "Goth Gulgamel"

GothGulgamel (page 1,1) (PDF format), (PNG format)
GothGulgamel (page 3,1) (PDF format), (PNG format)
GothGulgamel (page 4,1) (PDF format), (PNG format)
GothGulgamel (page 5,1) (PDF format), (PNG format)

GothGulgamel (page 1,2) (PDF format), (PNG format)
GothGulgamel (page 2,2) (PDF format), (PNG format)
GothGulgamel (page 3,2) (PDF format), (PNG format)
GothGulgamel (page 4,2) (PDF format), (PNG format)
GothGulgamel (page 5,2) (PDF format), (PNG format)

GothGulgamel (page 1,3) (PDF format), (PNG format)
GothGulgamel (page 2,3) (PDF format), (PNG format)
GothGulgamel (page 3,3) (PDF format), (PNG format)
GothGulgamel (page 4,3) (PDF format), (PNG format)
GothGulgamel (page 5,3) (PDF format), (PNG format)

All maps created with Dundjinni.
Map was originally presented in Ptolus, © 2006, Monte J. Cook; Used with permission.